Thursday, March 14, 2019

                           Home Again 

        So I've been missig for a while, but i'm back at it! My youtube channels have had all my attention lately, unfortunatly it has not proved to be so lucrative a venture. At this point my "Vloglife" channel Skip Day, has almost 200 videos and my subscriber count is less than 100. My at home channel Yours Mine Ours, has 19! Lol a whole 19 subscribtions. Things i've tried, but am not good at for 100 please. Either way I continue.


      Recently I added a new video to my "How Does Your Garden Grow" series. I've been doing the gardening thing for about a month, it has proven to be very relaxing. As you see in the link above, I try to record as much as possible. This week we added some potatoes and strawberry's, to the mix next time we will do a little more.
       Taking a looking at the above video, you' see where I' ve taken a more "me" approach to even the more polished types of videos. Not sure if it's my scruffy appearance or my naieveness to the situtuation, but for me the only difference in my videos and thise of others, are the views!   Get me to 1000 is the pledge request given most often. After joining " The Real Women Of Youtube 2" youtube community group, I was able to figure out that most views are based on caddiness and popularity contest won by people whose noses are more brown than anything else on their body. I tried subscriber feed list. I tried promotion minus the tweeting, aswell as just being a faithful watcher and subscriber it doesn't work.....  How do you get your numbers to grow? Watch and learn...#Fail as they day. So I unsubscribed! Lol now if you see me you see me and if you dont, you dont!  Either way viewers check out some my hauls. And comment on my uniqueness in the comments below. Don't forget to subscribe for my entertainment. Because either way ,it is that...

Subscribe here:🎥
Yours Mine Ours 🍷
Skip Day🍷